Retreat from Rudisill Road to LCG Tunnel
(Includes 2,425 foot tunnel)
Travel Time Added (minutes)
Added Time: 0.8 min
New Construction
Construction Length: 3.0 miles
- Walls: Unknown
- Tunnel: 1
- Bridges: 1
Length Within Parks: 1.7 miles
Construction Footprint: 53 acres
Construction Schedule: 4 years
Watershed Crossings
Wilson Creek: 1
Estimated Construction Cost in 2019 $ (Millions)
Existing Habitat Type
Coastal scrub/grassland /spruce: 21 acre
Riparian: 1 acre
Clear cut: 2 acres
Young Redwood Forest: 27 acres
Mature Redwood Forest: 3 acres
Old Growth Redwood Forest: 1 acre
On the map, the alternative is denoted with a letter and a number, if the alternative has multiple segment options.
The red line indicates the current LCG alignment and the dark pink segment with yellow border indicates the approximate position of the tunnel.
Please note the following:
- The lines on the map are approximate and do not indicate the exact placement of the alternative.
- The acreages of “Existing Habitat Type” are estimates based on overall analyses of habitat types in the area.
- Costs are estimated and include construction, materials disposal, and mitigation.